Kansas City Royals 2015 All-Star Review

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Mandatory Credit: Peter G. Aiken-USA TODAY Sports

Mike Moustakas

Let’s face it – when Mike Moustakas was listed as one of the Final Five for that last American League All-Star spot, was there any doubt that the Kansas City Royals third baseman would be voted in?

Just a year removed from being sent to Omaha for ten days, and just over three months removed from whether or not he would ever reach his potential, the 2015 season has been one of redemption for Moustakas. Moved up to the second spot in the lineup, Moustakas has posted a .297/.353/.427 batting line with seven home runs. He has evolved from being a dead pull hitter to spraying the ball around the field.

This change has been utterly astonishing. There were signs that Moustakas was starting to develop confidence, especially after his excellent postseason performance last year, and that carried over into Spring Training. Yet, those torrid Spring Training numbers had never continued into the regular season. This year, that has all changed.

Mike Moustakas is starting to be the third baseman that the Kansas City Royals imagined when he was taken second overall in 2007. Now, at age 26, we may be seeing the Moustakas breakout party. This All-Star selection is just the confirmation.

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