

Sam Mellinger and Former Royals Bullpen Catcher Bill Sobbe Talk to the Royalman Report


One hundred degree temperatures and a crappy showing against the Cardinals melted the Royalman Report team down to just Chris and special guest Dave Darby. We talked about a miserable series against the Redbirds and where the team goes from here. We also talked with Kansas City Star columnist, Sam Mellinger about Jerry Sandusky, Salvador Perez, Twitter Tuesday and the Olympics and finally finished up the show with Royals Bullpen catcher from 1984 to 2003, Bill Sobbe. Bill is currently the bench coach for the Kansas City T-Bones.

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Troy “Royalman” Olsen

with co-host

Michael Engel

and features Chris “

Fake Ned Yost

” Kamler and

610 Sports blogger

Jeff Herr

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