Tonight marks the start of an exciting new venture for Kings of Kauffman and its podcast, the Royalman Report.

Jeff Logan of the Kansas City Baseball Historical Society joins forces with us to form the Kansas City Baseball Vault on Kansas City’s ESPN 1510 AM from 6-7 p.m. every Thursday night. Listeners can tune into traditional radio or streaming live on

On tonight’s show, we’ll talk with Mike Hershberger, a former outfielder for the Kansas City A’s during their final years before leaving KC for Oakland. Hershberger carved out a nice career, playing in 11 major league seasons for three teams as a well-regarded defensive player who patrolled all three outfield positions and had one of the stronger arms in the league.

Our second guest will be Lee Warren of Yahoo Sports. If you’re a regular listener of the Royalman Report, you’ll know that we like any opportunity we can get to talk with Lee as he covers the Omaha Storm Chasers. They’re having a great follow up season in 2012 after winning the Pacific Coast League title in 2011. You can check out past discussions with Lee Warren on the Royalman Report here (from June 26, 2011) and here (August 28, 2011).

Update: The Storm Chasers have promised us the opportunity to talk with one of their players before their game in Sacramento, which  will pre-empt Lee Warren’s appearance. 

Along with that, we’ll talk a look at the Royals of today as they come out of a successful homestand.

We’d love to have you listening, and we plan on a giveaway to kick off the show’s run, so you don’t want to miss that.

Follow the Kansas City Baseball Vault on Twitter and Facebook for future programming updates. Also follow Kings of Kauffman for article updates, discussion and other information.

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