Is it possible that the Kansas City Royals could have multiple players bat .300 or higher during the 2020 season? Only time will really tell.
The 2020 season for the Kansas City Royals will definitely be an interesting time, and it will be a season that fans will want to watch. There are so many possible moves and changes that could come forward, it is almost difficult to keep track.
With new management and ownership taking over, there is no way to know if the Royals will change their approach to the free agency, or if they will continue to make their small-time, high-risk acquisitions. There is also a chance that some players will move around the field and explore positions, opening the door for other players to come in.
No matter what happens, the fact remains that the team must make some changes. One can only hope most of the changes come with the pitching staff. Whether this means acquiring some new pitching talent or moving current pitchers around to find where they work best, the team just needs to ensure they make some improvements.
One area where the team doesn’t have to focus on a lot of changes is in the offense. The offensive production of the team seems to be on track after the 2019 season. There are definitely some areas that could be improved, such as strikeouts, but overall the offense is right where one would expect it to be for a rebuilding team.
Luckily for the Royals, most of those in the lineup will be back and can hopefully continue their production. For this article, let’s take a look at a few Royals who may be able to bat .300 in 2020. Disclaimer: This list is not necessarily exhaustive, nor is it a prediction.
The players included in this list are players that, out of the 40 man roster, likely have as good a shot as anybody to hit the .300 mark. Fans can only hope that they all come true, as it would really help put those 100 loss seasons to rest.