Our Favorite Kansas City Royals Memorabilia

ByDavid Hill|
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credit: ahairoffsquare.com

There is something about baseball that conjures up images of our youth. Spending long summer days on the diamond, playing pickup games all day until it was too dark to play any longer. Memories of spending nights with our fathers, watching the game or listening to it on the radio. Thoughts of those afternoons spent playing catch. Or, even those memories of going down to the corner store to purchase a couple of packs of baseball cards.

For some of us, that collecting bug is still in our systems. Even if it is not, there are still certain items that we hold on to, even if they are just for sentimental reasons as opposed to value. These items, related to our favorite teams or personal moments that we want to remember, have a way to resurrecting old memories, making those long ago times seem like only yesterday.

With that in mind, I asked the staff here at Kings of Kauffman to share their favorite Kansas City Royals related memorabilia. Each piece has a story attached to it, as we explained what it is that makes this item so special to us.

So, what follows is a little bit of a trip down memory lane for each of us, as we share with you some of our favorite keepsakes relating to the Kansas City Royals. Let us know what your favorite Royals memorabilia item that you own is as well by commenting.

We hope you enjoy this little trek down memory lane!

Next: When conversations do not go as planned
