A Note of Thanks to Our Readers


Way back in March 2010, Zack Greinke was looking to follow up on his Cy Young Award winning season, Gil Meche’s shoulder still worked, Jose Guillen was still around and people worried about Eric Hosmer.

At the same time, I was laid off from a job in retail management (oh so glamorous). Blindsided, I took all of March to decompress, polish my resume and get things in order before marching out to find new employment. With it being March – and spring training – I decided to indulge myself in all the Royals information I could find and built up a list on Google Reader with the intent of reading everything every day. One day, I saw a post by Wally Fish looking for contributors on Kings of Kauffman.

I’d lurked on some messageboards in the past, offering a comment here or there, but never really got involved. With newfound time on my hands, though, I thought it might be time to try something to keep me busy while I waited for the phone to ring.

If you’re at all interested in seeing my first ever post, you’re in luck. Somehow, I managed to offer up Kyle Farnsworth as a reasonable option for the fifth spot in the Royals rotation.

A lot has happened since then. We’ve grown to include multiple writers, been involved in a few blogging events, and kicked off a podcast.

March 27, 2010 was two years ago today and I wanted to offer my thanks to all of those who have hopped on Kings of Kauffman to read the thoughts of our merry band of bloggers. I really think fans of the Royals have to be the most devoted out there. To still have any energy to follow the club after so many losing seasons is testament to that. We won’t always agree (nor should we, really), but the goal is the same – to see our team do well and to cheer for some wins.

So, again, thanks for reading, and let’s get ready for what should be – injuries aside – a fun season of baseball.

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