Help wanted on KoK


As I continue my work and planning for our upcoming site, Call to the Pen, I have slowly been coming to grips with the fact that I am going to need some help here on Kings of Kauffman.  My goal is to average at least one post per day throughout the year, but since I am pulled in a new direction (CttP)  I’m most likely going to have to scale things back to five articles a week here on KoK, or publish shorter posts from time to time.

I am hoping to parlay this change into a new beginning for a Royals blogger to join forces with me here.  To start, I am looking for a contributing writer who could publish 2-3 articles per week throughout the season.  This contributor slot could turn into a co-lead position or a lead position if I have to really scale back on this site and move to contributor status.

If you are interested in being considered for this spot, please contact us at



(Wally Fish is the lead blogger for Kings of Kauffman and FanSided’s MLB Director.  Subscribe to his RSS feed and add him on Twitter to follow him daily.)