Danny Duffy (Photo Credit: Brace Hemmelgarn-US PRESSWIRE) and Gar Ryness, the Batting Stance Guy.
We were excited about our guest lineup going into this Sunday’s podcast, and they did not disappoint.
The Royalman Report was glad to have Danny Duffy and Gar Ryness (The Batting Stance Guy) on the show in what turned out to be a guest-exclusive show.
We talked with Duffy about his goals for spring training, adjustments he had in mind, his idea of the team as a whole and their enthusiasm and what pushes him every day to improve. He also admitted that he thinks he’s not a bad dancer.
Gar Ryness took a quirky skill and turned it into fame. He talked with us about his love of baseball, the development of his multiple batting stance impersonations and why he thinks his “least marketable skill in America” strikes a chord with so many baseball players and fans.
This was a very fun show to record and we hope it’s even more fun to listen to. We couldn’t have asked for a better combination of guests.
The Youtube is a great way to watch as we include videos of Gar working his magic:
You can listen below or download the mp3 directly.
The Royalman Report is hosted by Troy “Royalman” Olsen with co-host Michael Engel and features Chris “Fake Ned Yost” Kamler, 610 Sports blogger Jeff Herr and Sam Sapenaro of the K Crew and airs live Sundays at 7 p.m. central time at RoyalmanReport.com as well as on Livestream.com/RoyalmanReport.
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