KC Royals: MLB needs to care about the Futures Game

MLB has the power to make the Futures Game matter once again.
Alika Jenner/GettyImages

The KC Royals did not have an overwhelming presence at this year's All-Star festivities, but it was still a memorable event for all involved. In the grand tapestry of Major League Baseball, there are numerous events that captivate fans and showcase the sport's brightest talents. The All-Star Game, Home Run Derby, and World Series are heralded as baseball's crown jewels. Yet, lost in the shimmering limelight is a game that seems to languish in the shadows—the Futures Game. It is a perplexing reality that the MLB, with its purported commitment to the future of the sport, appears to disregard this exhibition game showcasing the future of the game.

It is hard to blame KC Royals fans who didn't watch the 2023 Futures Game.

The Futures Game, held annually during All-Star week, serves as a platform to highlight the next generation of baseball stars. It brings together the most promising prospects from around the globe, offering fans a glimpse of the talent that will shape the future of the game. It should be a celebrated event, an opportunity to generate excitement and anticipation for what lies ahead. Instead, the Futures Game frequently feels like a mere afterthought in comparison to its glitzier counterparts.

The first sign of the MLB's indifference toward the Futures Game is its scheduling. The 2023 Futures Game traditionally happens before the All-Star Game but somehow competes against ongoing games. Ten MLB teams played on Saturday, with a high-profile Tampa Bay-Atlanta matchup directly conflicting with the Futures Game. Those are multiple fanbases that must choose between watching their team or watching the Futures Game, assuming they are committing to one at all. The timing fails to acknowledge the significance of the event and undermines the Futures Game's potential impact. Considering each team has a young representative, there is already a reason for each fanbase to tune in. But this year, tuning in at all was a problem.

This year, the exhibition was streamed on Peacock, a service not known for any extensive baseball correlation. I get it; MLB has to squeeze money from any avenue they can but come on. Giving one streaming service exclusive live coverage of the event just cuts out potential viewers. Last year, even MLB teams couldn't watch the game because they did not have Peacock in the clubhouse! Why put the game on one of the smallest recognizeable streaming services in America? It does not make any sense, from promoting the event to actually watch the event itself.

Moreover, the MLB's lackluster promotion of the Futures Game is deeply disheartening. In an age where marketing and branding are paramount, the league fails to seize the opportunity to showcase its young stars and cultivate a dedicated following. A minimal effort is made to build a narrative around the game and create compelling storylines that connect fans to these rising talents. It is a missed chance to foster a sense of attachment and investment in the game's future. But MLB does not give fans much to be interested in.

This year, the Futures Game was packed before the All-Star Celebrity Softball Game, making the game involving actual players play second fiddle to a celebrity event. To ensure both events happened in a timely manner, the Futures Game became a seven-inning event. I fail to see why, in a year where games are much shorter than in recent years, the future of baseball is limited to seven innings. It only reduces the opportunities for young players to showcase their skills and makes them seem less important in the eyes of fans and potential viewers.

While the All-Star Game and Home Run Derby are marquee events that draw considerable attention, they mainly showcase established stars. The Futures Game, on the other hand, is an open window to the future of baseball—a chance to cultivate enthusiasm among fans for the next wave of talent. By overlooking this opportunity, the MLB sends a disheartening message to its young players and fans alike: that their development and contributions are somehow less significant.

It is high time for the MLB to recalibrate its perspective and prioritize the Futures Game. With a few simple adjustments, this exhibition could become an indispensable fixture on the baseball calendar.

The Futures Game has the potential to ignite a fresh spark of excitement within the baseball community. It offers a platform for dreams to flourish and new heroes to be born. By treating this game as an afterthought, the MLB neglects its responsibility to nurture the sport's future. It is time for the league to embrace the power and significance of the Futures Game, demonstrating to fans and players alike that the next generation matters and will shape the game for years to come.

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