EB: I know you spoke highly of the organization, what did you think of Kansas City in general? Any special memories?
EJ: Kansas City was great! We stayed in Overland Park and we loved it. The one day we had snowed out in May was a fun memory for me and of course the barbecue and the way fans would treat me and my family in public was always respectful and gracious, even if I wasn’t an All-Star.
Billy’s Hit It a Ton BBQ sauce was fun too!
Easily the best memory was the Father-Son outing. My dad had a picture taken with George Brett on the team flight and he looked like he was in love. Got to take BP on field in Cleveland and live the life he always wanted to for a day. Huge street cred to Davi and Dayton for that.
EB: We were up there for the game that got snowed out in May. That was my daughter’s birthday weekend. Crazy! I’m a big BBQ guy, did you have a favorite place you liked to hit up?
EJ: No doubt! Joe’s of course and Jack Stack’s.
EB: Both good choices.