Kansas City Royals Have Fun on Photo Day

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Mandatory Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

Spring Training is a time of many necessary evils. It is a time when veterans work on implementing a couple of changes, such as trying out a new pitch or maybe an adjustment in their batting stance. It is a time of repetitive drills, baserunning exercises and watching younger players try to learn what it takes to be professional ball players.

For veterans, Spring Training is typically a time to work on tans, their golf game or to just get back into routine. Rarely does one see the starters, or even the bench players, late into a Spring Training game, or even anywhere near the field by the end of the game. Who can blame them for not being overly interested in the exploits of some washed up former major leaguer desperately trying to work their way back facing someone who will be bagging groceries by that time next week?

Yet, that does not mean that Spring Training is devoid of fun for these veterans. Indeed, you can see them playing pranks on one another, goofing around and generally having a great time in the more relaxed atmosphere. Another place for fun is during Photo Day, where players can take some truly entertaining pictures. The Kansas City Royals were certainly on that list.

Here are a few of the entertaining pictures taken on Photo Day. Some of these are truly quite interesting.

Next: The photobomb

Mandatory Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

When you are a rookie, it is difficult to earn respect from your veteran teammates. Typically, you get saddled with having to do things like wear a Hello Kitty backpack in the airport, dress up in strange costumes or fetch the sunflower seeds and Gatorade for their amusement. It’s not an easy six or seven months.

Yet, as a rookie, one would expect that, at the very least, Picture Day would be a time for respite. Everyone has to go through it, and one would expect the veteran’s would look to get their obligations out of the way and swiftly leave. That did not end up being the case for Bubba Starling.

While Starling was posing for his picture during his first Photo Day, Luke Hochevar decided it was time to have a bit of fun, sneaking into the background of the picture. Chances are, this is not one of the photos that Starling will be using as a keepsake of his first major league Spring Training with the Kansas City Royals.

While Bubba Starling may have been a top prospect, and while he is extremely unlikely to open the season as a member of the Kansas City Royals, that does not mean he is immune from the same treatment that other rookies get. Hochevar will make sure of that, it seems.

Next: For the love of glove

Mandatory Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

Over the past few seasons, Jarrod Dyson has become known for his blazing speed, excellent defense and ability to do backflips in the outfield. As one of the Kansas City Royals key reserves, Dyson became known throughout the baseball universe for his ability to track down virtually anything in the outfield and to turn the basepaths into his personal race track. Watching opposing catchers attempt to throw him out was rather comical at times.

Naturally, with such gifts, Dyson would need a nickname that encapsulates this. Hence his moniker of “Mr. Zoombiya,” as Dyson could easily outrun most of the other players in Major League Baseball. Strangely though, Dyson may not be the fastest player on the Royals, as Terrance Gore could actually have a claim to the title.

However, in case anyone has forgotten about Jarrod Dyson’s prodigious gifts of speed and defense, he has a surefire way to remind you – just look at his glove. There, his nickname is emblazoned for all to see, and perhaps to remind those hitters who stand incredulously as Dyson tracks down yet another drive into the gap that would have seemed destined to land for extra bases.

Dyson certainly does not lack for confidence. Hopefully, he and the Kansas City Royals will continue their swagger this season.

Next: Shouldn't have eaten that leftover lo mein

Mandatory Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

Of course, Spring Training is also somewhat of a chore for a coaching staff as well, especially on a team that has a roster that is almost set, like the Kansas City Royals have. Right now, the Royals are likely looking at figuring out who their last reliever and backup catcher will be. Each position that had turnover has been filled, leaving the Royals with very few openings.

With that being the case, sometimes even coaches need to find entertainment where they can. Perhaps that explains the expression that Dale Sveum has in this picture. It does, after all, somewhat defy description. Is it a smile? A smirk? Does Sveum need medical attention?

Perhaps Sveum just saw more of Salvador Perez messing aruond with Lorenzo Cain. After all, Perez has seemingly made it his life’s mission to mess with Cain as much as possible. That is sort of the smirk that indicates that Sveum saw something amusing going on in the background, and tried to hide his amusement. Or, perhaps he just ate something that disagreed with him, and sprinted towards the bathroom shortly afterwards.

Speaking of Cain and Perez….

Next: A true bromance

Mandatory Credit: Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

At this point, Salvador Perez’s ability to mess with Lorenzo Cain is becoming legendary. Just look at Perez’s Instagram account, and the various videos he posted of Cain last season. Perez picked right back up where he left off at the Kansas City Royals Fanfest at the end of January, continuing to mess with Cain any way he could.

Naturally, one could not expect Photo Day to pass by without Perez tormenting Cain, appearing in his pictures and generally goofing around. However, of all the pictures involving Cain and Perez, this one may have summed up their relationship best.

In a world and a sport where change is a given, where teammates can change at a moment’s notice, it is great to see friendships like this in the clubhouse. It is also great to see that the fun they had together last season has continued on into this year, as Salvador Perez goofing around with Lorenzo Cain should keep the Kansas City Royals clubhouse loose throughout the season.

Photo Day may just be another chore that players have to endure, but that does not mean that it cannot be fun. Especially if you happen to be Salvador Perez.

Next: Kansas City Royals and Salvador Perez Turn the Page
