I don’t know about you, but I tend to fall into routines.
Not in a way that would make me the quirky character on a sitcom, or anything, but I get to work at the same time, go to my break at the same time, check my DVR at home about the same time.
Usually when I run home for my lunch break, I check in via Google Reader to see what’s going on in the world of Royals baseball.
Here’s what I’ve read recently (that you should check out):
First, an interesting video about the teacher who threw a perfect game on MLB 2K11 and won a million dollars because of it. The sidenote is that he wasn’t a baseball fan – just a gamer.
Thus, in order to assist him on his quest, he enlisted many of the same resources baseball fans use on the internet for their information, namely Baseball-Reference.com and other forums. Their scouting reports and statistics showed him the best matchup to throw the perfect game, as well as tendencies of batters. Now, maybe the game’s engine isn’t as sophisticated as to include actual scouting reports, but it helps I’m sure.
Then, check out one of Joe Posnanski’s most recent articles, this time saying what many of us want to say about Fox. Remember, Tim McCarver, “strike” is six letters long…
I’m jealous of Clint Scoles from Pinetar Press – he was down in Arizona watching Royals in the Arizona Fall League and in instructionals. He took some great video of notable players like Bubba Starling, Elier Hernandez and Bryan Brickhouse, among others. You can also hear him discuss some of those players on the most recent Royalman Report.
So that’s what I’ve been looking at this hour. There will be more to come, I promise.